Doing your best means doing the work because you love it. As corny as it may sound, you have to be in love with the process. It’s a daily grind and there will be highs and lows, so taking necessary action only in expectation of a reward will ultimately lead to disappointment. Consistency of effort and enthusiasm are the main ingredients in the recipe for success.
Maximum effort is the minimum requirement. This is a phrase I often use with my players to hopefully influence the way they think about their task at hand. We can always control our output - the intention we put into everything that we do. Regardless of any future outcome, are you doing your best right now? Either way, the outcome will take care of itself, but it’s the actions you take day in and day out that determine the direction of that outcome. It’s a simple thought, but most people do not live by it.
Most players hold themselves back from being their best on purpose! Their internal motivation lies in the reward, so when the reward doesn’t come in the moment they are expecting it, they can always use the excuse of not doing their best as a crutch. These types of players live in fear. They are afraid of what people may perceive from the outside looking in - if they fail. What they don’t understand is that failure is nothing but a stepping stone towards success.
Players that are in love with the process do their best because it’s who they are. They are confident, brave, express themselves, take chances, and are willing to look clumsy and make mistakes. They know that taking necessary action consistently creates a compounding effect that can evolve over time. These are the special ones who achieve greatness in the end.
Greatness is personal. We all have our own qualities, ambitions, and struggles. Doing your best doesn’t mean always being perfect, just doing the best you can. If you can look yourself in the mirror at the end of each day and tell yourself that you did your best, then you are already winning. Carry that conviction out over a lifetime and personal greatness is in your hands.